Monday, July 16, 2012

Finalmente, escribo de nuevo :)

Title translation: Finally, I write again :)


I'm going to start by apologizing a bit for not keeping up with my blog. It has been extremely busy here, and it's difficult to find time to write a bit, but I will try to be better at it from here on out! Okay? You have my promise!

Well, I guess I will try to recap my month of June and beginning of July a little bit...

June was a pretty crazy month of people getting sick and students getting used to their classes. We have had five students get sick this time around, which I really can't figure out why there has been so many this year. I was actually one of the ones to get sick during my third week here. And let me tell you, it was not fun at all! I had my family pretty worried, and I was pretty worried myself. After hiking the morro at night to see the city, Jack (guy from Wales), and I headed down to the centro to grab a bite to eat, and I think I must have eaten something bad because I got sick the next day, and continued being sick for the following four days. I became extremely dehydrated and was only lying in bed for all of the days. At times I felt like I was getting a bit better and could eat a little bit, but the next moment it would be another story. Eventually, I went to the hospital and my host mom's ex-husband who is a stomach doctor gave me a prescription for anti-biotics, but I couldn't get them until the next day because it was too late in the day. We went to the pharmacy and got them the next day, and I took one, but later in the night, I had just gotten too bad. I had no food or water in me, and I could hardly move. It was time to go to urgent care at the clinic. We waited for quite some time at the clinic, and I was completely misserable. I finally got a bed in the ER, and I had a really friendly doctor who was making jokes with his patients left and right. I finally ended up getting an IV, and as soon as I had that I started feeling a tiny better and started to get some energy. By the next day, I was even smiling and laughing...I was back to myself :) My host mom took such great care of me throughout the whole week. She used to be a nurse, so I have to admit, I was pretty darn lucky to have her! Sooo no worries now. I am healthy as ever now, and I'm eating and eating :)

I have had a few experiences that have been a little different this time around. Besides going to the clinic, I also went to my VERY FIRST soccer match, and Arica won!!! It was a really incredible experience to see the Chilean passion for soccer. I got goosebumps each time they scored (it ended being 3-0). There was one section at the game that just kept jumping and yelling the entire time! No joke! It was the entire time! I don't know how they do it. It was an important game too. Because they won, there will be teams that are more popular in Chile playing here in the future. Woohoo! I hope I will be able to see some of those games later on this year.

The crowd going wild after the win!

I also returned to the caves that are near Arica with Kristin (a friend from the group) and two other girls who are volunteers for English Open Doors-a program that takes volunteers in all of Chile who teach English at schools.

Kristin and I exploring near the beautiful cost

What more? I went to a play that was all in Spanish, I went out on a boat ride in the ocean with the group, ate some amazing "torta" a.ka. cake for my host sisters birthday that my host mom made, celebrated the fourth of July with a little dance party. Oh! yeah! For the 4th of July I was interviewed in the local newspaper here and for the televesion, and just the other day I spoke on the radio! I tell you, it is busy busy busy here! Which takes me to...I gotta go! I'm heading to the beach to soak up some sun. I will be writing you all more soon with hopefully more photos as well...ok a few more photos will follow this post, haha! Take care everyone!!!!

Besitos y abrazos desde Chile!


Oldest mummies in the world...found right here in the north of Chile!

Wilson (My friend from Arica that studies at UNI too)´s nephew who danced in the parade for the Aymara New Year...With a little bit of effort, he finally smiled :)

These are the type of bushes I get to walk by on a regular basis here...beautiful, right?

 My awesome group and I on our little boat!

 At the play that was all in Spanish, and feeling pretty classy with our glass of wine :)
Kristin, me, Gricelda (helper of one of the professors) and Shelby

That's all for now folks, Take care! 

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. Hey Katie - YES, you scared us all very much when you were so sick! We are pretty sure your organs were starting to shut down. We were really thankful you were admitted to the hospital and received those 4 bags of IV when you did. We're so grateful for Ligia and for all of the prayers from all of your loving family and friends. It's very hard when we are so far apart to go through something like this but with the grace of God and our faith, you were healthy again!

    It is nice to have you updating the blog again - we love to hear all of the details on your adventures. Skype is awesome but the connection isn't always the best.

    Keep taking those great pictures!
    Have fun!
    Hugs and Kisses!

    God Bless
    Love you, Dad and Mom
